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Cat Island’s History Lures Pbs

…ce bravery. The 100th, however, has maintained its own identity, and is the subject of books and articles. To learn more about Ray Nosaka’s experiences with the Cat Island dog program (including photos and video), please go to www.khnl.com/global/story.asp?s=5357880. Ray Nosaka’s experiences are also included in the book “Eyes of the Emperor” by Graham Salisbury. To learn more about the television program “History Detectives, please go to www.pbs….

Masayoshi Miyagi

…th was at Camp McCoy, Wisconsin during basic training. He was killed in action in Italy on November 5, 1943. A biography of him can be found at http://www.baseballsgreatestsacrifice.com/biographies/miyagi_mushie.html. 1 2 3 4 ►…

George Aki

…medal. Reverend Aki celebrated his 100th birthday with family and friends on September 13, 2014. An article appeared in the Los Angeles Japanese Daily News, Rafu Shimpo: http://www.rafu.com/2014/09/a-century-of-blessings/ On July 4, 2018, Reverend Aki passed away, a few months short of his 104th birthday….


…our buck seargent [sic]. In fact, he is the most unpopular non-com in the company. I’m in hutment no. 3 and we’re all a jolly bunch. The only egg we didn’t like moved out. One fellow is from the mainland, the rest are Hawaii boys. (14 boys in all) We argue about practically everything, make an argument if there isn’t any, and we’re probably the noisiest hut in the company. Once in a while its [sic] quiet, the boys are writting [sic] or reading le…

Rudy Yoshioka, 01-25-1943

…here you find nothing but swamp marshland & majority of the population is com– posed of Negroes. The town of Hattiesburg is quite big from what I see when we passed thru there on our way down. At least 40,000 in population. But the recreation facilities & accommodations are far inferior to the ones in Sparta. On our way down we passed thru the out skirts [sic] of Illinois, St. Louis & Memphis, but was disappointed because it wasn’t what I expecte…

Shinyei Nakamine

…tinguished Service Cross, Purple Heart, and the Combat Infantry Badge.  He is buried at Punchbowl Cemetary. In a 2007 interview, Anita Korenaga spoke about her memories of her brother: http://archives.starbulletin.com/2007/11/12/news/story04.html Her handwritten notes about him were preserved with his profile in the Echoes of Silence project.: https://www.100thbattalion.org/wp-content/uploads/Nakamine-Shinyei.pdf…

Oral Histories and Interviews

…ory project interviewed over 1,200 veterans and can be accessed at: http://www.goforbroke.org. Interviews with 100th veterans reside in this website’s archive, especially articles for the Hawaii Herald newspaper that Ben Tamashiro, a 100th veteran, wrote about fellow comrades whom he had interviewed. As interview transcripts and/or resulting articles are made available, they will be added to this website. The following is a list of the 137 veteran…

Listing of KIA By Battle

…CD can be ordered by contacting the Japanese American Living Legacy http://www.jalivinglegacy.org/main.cfm?stg=home The JALL received permission from the University of Hawaii to use “Ambassadors in Arms: The Story of Hawaii’s 100th Infantry Battalion” by Dr. Thomas Murphy to insert the dates and names of the soldiers who were killed after the appropriate passages in the book. Dr. Murphy was a professor at the University and chairman of the Hawaii…

Kazuma Monty Nishiie

…service.” We had to prove our loyalty. After the 100th Infantry Battalion completed basic training, they shipped out to Italy, an arduous journey. We were part of a large convoy, oh many, many ships. Had to zig zag to keep away from the German submarines. Conditions on ship were terrible. So many people, crowded, couldn’t get up. When they threw up, made you throw up, too. Very long trip. When the 442nd Regimental Combat Team arrived in Italy, we…

Honorary Members

…ent leaders before and during World War II on behalf of the local Japanese community. As chairman of the Morale Committee established by the FBI chief in Hawaii, he traveled to Washington, D.C. to meet with President Franklin Roosevelt and others about the problems affecting the Japanese Americans in Hawaii and in the armed forces. His efforts, along with the other community leaders he worked with, prevented the mass evacuations of the Japanese po…