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Cat Island’s History Lures Pbs

…ce bravery. The 100th, however, has maintained its own identity, and is the subject of books and articles. To learn more about Ray Nosaka’s experiences with the Cat Island dog program (including photos and video), please go to www.khnl.com/global/story.asp?s=5357880. Ray Nosaka’s experiences are also included in the book “Eyes of the Emperor” by Graham Salisbury. To learn more about the television program “History Detectives, please go to www.pbs….

Masayoshi Miyagi

…formed while the 100th was at Camp McCoy, Wisconsin during basic training. He was killed in action in Italy on November 5, 1943. A biography of him can be found at http://www.baseballsgreatestsacrifice.com/biographies/miyagi_mushie.html. 1 2 3 4 ►…

George Aki

…medal. Reverend Aki celebrated his 100th birthday with family and friends on September 13, 2014. An article appeared in the Los Angeles Japanese Daily News, Rafu Shimpo: http://www.rafu.com/2014/09/a-century-of-blessings/ On July 4, 2018, Reverend Aki passed away, a few months short of his 104th birthday….

Maj W Bill Overbeck (undated)

…me that part of your success in combat could be charged to the training & tests conducted under second army – which was actually one WRO. Since Ben Lear never saw fit to promote me but did certain others whom I trained. I would very much like the record to show something in regard to my record. If you feel inclined I thought you might write as a civilian. It may not mean much but I hold a slight resentment that he should trust me with designing &…

Battlefield Commissioned Officers

…ttalion when the 100th’s commanding officer, Gordon Singles, assembled his company commanders – two second lieutenants and two sergeants. Four of these officers were killed in action. Ross Fujitani, Tetsu Ebata, Kenkichi Kenneth Teruya, and Masanao Otake. Considered one of the most promising young officers in the battalion, Otake had been wounded twice before he was killed in the Vosges Mountains of France. List of Battlefield Commissioned Officer…

Mainland Training

…ady resentful of the constant presence of soldiers in their town, the surrounding community was inhospitable, if not outwardly antagonistic, toward the Nisei. It was there, in Mississippi, that the men encountered racial segregation for the first time in their lives. Laws requiring separate lines for blacks and whites, separate seating on buses and in theaters, and water fountains and restrooms for black civilians and soldiers were strictly enforc…

Walter Iwasa

…as, the Amache Relocation Camp in Colorado and finally to Seattle, Washington in November 1944 where he boarded a ship back to Hawaii. In his oral history Iwasa recalls the emotional visits he had with his father while he was training and also after he returned from the combat zone and was recovering from an illness. Read Walter Iwasa’s Oral History interview Download Walter Iwasa’s interview PDF Note: The interview was done in 1985, but was not t…

With The 92nd Infantry Division (Reconstituted)

…nit was pinned down by the enemy’s grazing fire and his squad leader was wounded, command of the squad became his. He made frontal one-man attacks through direct fire and knocked out two mgs with grenades. Withdrawing under murderous fire and showers of grenades from other enemy emplacements, he had nearly reached a shell crater occupied by two of his men when an unexploded grenade bounced off his helmet and rolled toward his helpless comrades. He…


…(the 1st) lieut. Is the best. But I can’t say that about our buck seargent [sic]. In fact, he is the most unpopular non-com in the company. I’m in hutment no. 3 and we’re all a jolly bunch. The only egg we didn’t like moved out. One fellow is from the mainland, the rest are Hawaii boys. (14 boys in all) We argue about practically everything, make an argument if there isn’t any, and we’re probably the noisiest hut in the company. Once in a while it…

Rudy Yoshioka, 01-25-1943

…population is com– posed of Negroes. The town of Hattiesburg is quite big from what I see when we passed thru there on our way down. At least 40,000 in population. But the recreation facilities & accommodations are far inferior to the ones in Sparta. On our way down we passed thru the out skirts [sic] of Illinois, St. Louis & Memphis, but was disappointed because it wasn’t what I expected it to be. However I always like to ride the Pullman for it…