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Death-dealing Encounters of a Personal Kind

…. machine guns set on ledge, w/riflemen protection; 10-ft drop to ravine 2 German patrol comes up ravine, under A Co. guns, thru break in stonewall; halted by A Co. guards who throw grenades 4 3 Goro leaning against stonewall 5 Patrol pulls back to own lines 6 Goro scales wall, intending to turn right to check on why machine gunners let patrol slip by, but German getaway man stands in way, so he turns left and crawls to top of hill 8 9 Returns to…

Why do you fight for America?

…Akita, who documented his experiences in a journal soon after the war. “A company of about 150 Jerries (Germans) was sitting, lying down . . . chewing the fat.” Akita observed that his sergeant acted quickly, asking the Jerries if they wanted to give up and go to America. “It seemed they were tired of fighting, because half of them threw down their weapons, but the officer in charge, a true Hitler man, had some of his men surround us. ”In an inst…

Kazuto Shimizu

…good comes without effort. It took me about a year of struggle for me to become comfortable leading a lady other than Lynn on the dance floor. Dancing started to become a fun thing and Lynn and I were dancing like crazy people, taking dance lessons and going social dancing at weekends. Social dancing was fun and we made many friends. The craziness waned as we aged but we continued the dance movements in the form of line dancing. Line dancing, I’ll…

The Battle Of Belvedere

…n into the valley. The two squads encircling the town caught some of these Germans coming out of the ravine. When Kobashigawa’s platoon assembled again at the edge of town, it ran into machine-gun fire from a German half-track located in front of one of the valley farmhouses. The platoon could also hear the noise of a battle opening up to the right. Kobashigawa decided to dig in and call for mortar support before jumping the farmhouse. The mortar…

Memories Of Hill 600

German artillery fire go off in the distance, and we knew that battery of German shells was coming directly at our 100th Infantry Battalion column. It was starting to get dark very late in the afternoon, when our group came upon an area where the Germans had laid a mine field. We understood one of the rifle company men went on his hands and knees to feel around for the mines, and managed to clear a path through the mine field. The route was marke…

Sakae Takahashi

…other companies, Takahashi assumed battlefield command of B Company. As a company commander he was promoted to Captain and participated with battalion headquarters in developing battle plans – most significantly with Young Oak Kim, who had become the battalion Intelligence Officer (S-2) and then the Operations Officer (S-3). Command of the 100th Battalion changed many times (the journalist Lyn Crost counted over a dozen times), but officers such…

Memories: Civitavecchia To Pisa And Beyond

…fered a number of casualties. The following day, our machine gun section accompanied the rifle company from this farmhouse to the side of a hill. On this hill, we got caught in the middle of a very concentrated mortar barrage, and the shells pounded down all around our machine gun section. During a short break from the mortar shelling, Yoshio Koji got up and yelled, “I’m getting the hell out of this area!” and he ran back, out of range of the mort…

Salute to Stan Akita

…t he would always be there for her and her sister in the days and years to come, giving them a sense of comfort, stability and peace. To his daughters, April and Cynthia, and to his wife, Yukie, these have been his greatest gifts to them, making their lives beautiful and brilliant Stan may be “small” in stature, but he is mighty in talent and leadership. Now that is a “tall” order! With his myriad talents and interests, it is the right time for hi…

Kaoru Suzuki

…middle of an open field when they noticed they were only 100 feet from the Germans. The Germans were just waking up and both the Germans and the Americans were surprised. Their troop had to run back about 100 feet to find cover. Then heavy shooting started. The troop was stuck there for half a day. The Germans had big guns and mortar shells. The 100th battalion only had machine guns and rifles. Later that afternoon the Germans left. Their objectiv…

Salute to Takeichi ‘Chicken’ Miyashiro

…. Kim whose hand had been wounded. Carrying the litter cases were about 28 German prisoners accompanied by AJA riflemen. However, they ran into another German patrol. In the confusion, when the German force overtook the party of wounded and German prisoners, four men—Ken Okimoto, Capt Y.O. Kim, George Hagiwara and Richard Chinen—were able to escape the enemy and return to their units. Among those captured with Chicken were Company C’s Stanley Akit…