Richard Last name unknown, 08-18-1942

Camp McCoy
Aug 18, 1942
Dear Mr & Mrs. Hendersin: –
May I take this pleasure
in thanking you for all the
things you’ve done for me &
my friends. You’ve brighten [sic]
my Army life & my memories
lingers back to home & my
family. Of all my trips &
excursions I’ve been since my
stay here I’ve enjoy [sic] your
hearty hospitality most.
Hope I’ll be able to repay part
of it for the years to come.
I’m quite sure my folks at
home feel the same.
I’ll always remember the
farm & “Hekka” & Grill steak I’ve
enjoyed with you.
May the best of health &
happiness & success be with
the family & your boys
at service.
Thank you again & my
best regards to you all.
Aloha nui loa
P.S. over
Please let me know your sons [sic]
address at Pearl Harbor, Honolulu.
I’ll write a letter to him & if
time permits with him to go
& visit my family.
Thank you