Nov. 11, 1944
Dear Col. Turner:
I had planned to write a short letter to the firm asking them to give me my social security number – seems as if I lost it when I entered the army – and I thought that you might like to hear from just one man of the old 298. – and perhaps you could ask someone to look up my number and send it to me. I have been stationed hear at Camp Roberts since last May 9. It is an Infantry Replacement training center and boy they certainly do believe in training. Twelve – fourteen – sixteen hours per day are not at all uncommon here Colonel and the boys leave here ready for combat. They are not experienced infantry men but they are very ready to become that and most of them go directly overseas. Capt. Bray is here with me in the same regt. Col. Herman is stationed here also. I hear from Capt Blake who is still at Shelby serving with Col. Anderson once again. Rocco is in a hospital in Cambridge Ohio undergoing treatment to restore movement to his right arm. I haven’t been able to get to see him as yet. Capt. Ensminger was killed in action. Some of these things you probably know but I thought you’d be interested if you didn’t know. Would appreciate hearing from you sometime. Say hello to Rietow, Hiroshi, Fred P., Weinrich and all the boys. Wish that the war was over and I was back there once again.
Frank Marzano
Capt. Co. “C”
92nd Inf. Bn.
Camp Roberts, Cal.