Hq 133 Bn. 82 [I.L.R.?]
Camp Robinson Ark
Jan 14 1945
Dear Col.
I have just completed my first week here and it has not been too bad. My job is the same as when with you except that I don’t go into the field. My principal duties are inspections of mess halls, latrines, garbage racks etc. In addition to other duties I audit funds, our summary court officer and am now investigating a death. This place has many of the earmarks of Shelby in the weather, stoves and huts. It is wet, muddy and chilly and one can hardly keep warm. The walking I do and the cold put me to bed very early and if they ever order me to the field I am pau. Two nites this past week my foot was badly swollen and the leg was purple almost to the knee. Tomorrow I go to the hospital here for a look see. I want to do my job but not so bad that it will hinder progress on my leg. On May 1st I return to O’Reilly for reexam and another board, after which I expect to come home probably for permanent limited duty. They have recalled practically every one on terminal leave in the past few weeks and given them some kind of a job.
It was very much like old home week where I arrived for 1st man I ran into was my Regt CO. Lt Col Newel. He asked after you and wishes to be remembered to you. We have had several good chats. Col Salgado is the post S3. Remember him. 27th Inf and a member of the board at summer camp.
The second day here the phone rang and asked if I were Maj Lovell from Honolulu. I said “Yes Oscar where the heck are you?” It was King and he has been here about a month. There are several from hospitals and my Bn CO. was S2 of 168 so we know many of the same stories. They have some good stuff here for individual training and I only wish I were more active. Oh one more person is Lt [Balluit?] who played on the officers team a Schofield he is now a Major and just pau from advanced at Benning.
Takahashi is at McGuire General, Richmond, Fukuda in already with trench feet, McKenzie trench feet, Kawano with some. Koga out of hosp and back helping Kome Yost, Corbin and Grandstaff who are the remains.
Heard from McKelvy yesterday. He is in the hospital and will be reclassified but not sent home. Ohta is on his way according to Nosses last which arrived a few days ago. I will take a few days off and go to Springfield and get Gen & children in a couple of weeks as I have a promise of a house for them. Best to Mrs T.
Always Jim