Co. E, 2nd Training Bn,
Camp Ritchie, Maryland
July 18, 1945
Dear Col. Turner:
I am now taking a special training at Camp Ritchie, Maryland. I was sent here from Alabama with some Nisei boys who are also from Hawaii.
Having completed basic training in Hawaii, we took our advanced training at Ft. McClellan, Alabama. It was a tough training there, but we got along alright.
Army life has taught me a great deal, and given me new ideas, and also it is a good experience. So far, I do not regret for volunteering in the Army.
We were told at Ft. McClellan that we are going to Europe as replacements for the 442nd, but since the war is over in Europe, it is unlikely that we will be sent there. However, I would still like to go there.
Since coming to Camp Ritchie I have met some of the boys from the 100th Infantry, and they speak very highly of you. One of the boys I’ve met is 1st Lt. Kaname Kanazawa. I wish I had the opportunity to serve in your outfit when you were in the Army. Yes sir, we heard all kinds of stories, about their wonderful experiences.
With all good wishes, I remain,
Very truly yours
Pvt. John M. Yamanoha