Capt K Kometani, 05/24/1944

May 24

Dear Col,

Many things happened since I last wrote you. There were few letters written to the hospital and I hope you recieved them. Your letter from Frisco arrived to-day.

Major Clough left us to return to the mainland on the rotation. He had plenty of aloha for the boys, and was a downhearted man to leave us, though happy to know that he will see his family after so long away. Both Mac and King received their gold oak leaf, Mac as exec and King as three. When we compare our own Major Jim and Jack, there is a wanting feeling. The boys are hoping that the spirit and leadership left by you and Major Jim and Johnson will not be lacking. Lt. Col Singles who was with the div just formed in Shelby is now heading us. You will be happy to know that two Co A boys, Suehiro and Hayashi recieved DSC from Gen. R. There should be few more coming. We must have about 35 Silver Stars and many to come yet. Lt. Kim is doing a swell job of two.

Both Kay and Mizuta is now on the mainland, with Mizuta at Walter Reed and Kay on his way. Jack Mizuha is headed for the islands and have some big ideas. However, we do not want to impose on the good will of people too much, and rather follow your pattern of doing things ourselves. Have let your boys knows about your return and also showed your letter to Takahashi, who is heading baker.

No doubt you hear from Kaji about the promotions and so on, but to date, we had fourteen battle field promotions or commissions. Most of the butaheads from Shelby are slowly coming in as replacements, but the outfit may not hold its identification. We are fighting to keep it. Nearly all of the butaheads Os are with us now.

I hope you will get to see Major, as no doubt he has many interesting stories. With the return of the many wounded, it looks like old times. Guess, you must be hit hard in order to return, as some are coming back limping or with arms still unmovable. Awakuni got his second tank, but got only a bronze star for his first. He is back after his second wound. There are quite a few with three hits, many with two with possibly one or two with four hits.

Now that things are shifting, I am wondering about our club 100. The boys look forward to paying. The new kids have not had a chance to join as there has not been a pay day, but they are willing and anxious to come in. We have not yet set the initiation fees though feel that they can pay up to the present which is about 12.

Letters from home indicate the better conditions for our families, better feelings, and the work of the 100th must have played the major part. Saw a letter from Mr. Deacon of Castle and Cooke to Lt. Nishida of Co A. in which he expressed the thought that the people there wanted our boys to come home to Hawaii and that there were plans and efforts made to help them. It is the thoughts and sincerity such as that which will keep up the morale and boys looking forward.

Had a letter from Mr. J. A. Johnson, and words will not justify our feeling for the loss of Jack. He wrote to Chaplain Yost. He had a wish in that if it would be possible to have a picture of his grave, but as you know there is a regulation regarding that. If by any chance, we can go back, I’ll make every effort to fulfill Mr. Johnson’s wish. A few days ago I went to pay our respect to those of our men lost there, and it was a cold sight. Many good and wonderful men are lying beneath the crosses.

I hope you will be able to meet Dr. Murai, who is chairman of the Emergency Service Committee. He has been helping with many problems concerning our boys. You remember the Christmas gift at McCoy and we also had one last Xmas.

Things are going well with us and we have had some break since we are with the div. However, we can’t always get the gravy and must expect to throw in our share, though we will have our KIA and WIA. That’s to be expected.

No doubt, when this letter reaches you, you have been good enough to see my family. Often think of them as this is our full two years away. However, we are destined to battle it out here, so hoping for a early end of this battle. My oldest boy goes to Punahou and often writes to me, which is one of my greatest thrill. When you see the three rascals, you don’t blame me if we want to see the end soon. But, I know there’s a job to be done even though small, I guess it’s my part.

There isn’t a day when the boys don’t reminisce about the early days, and you can certainly be assured that the boys haven’t forgotten you and Major. When the Major left, though sad, they expressed the feeling that now they know that he is safe and will be back when we return. The bn will go on but will never forget its begining.

The historical record of the 100 is being compiled and kept. But you should see the one made for us by the reg, we were with. It was a killer, and so the companys are working on it. The 100 never existed and some of their work were but just a passing record. So you can see who got all the credit. There was a note by the 5 A which would knock you over with a feather. At least the 5 A remembers you and wanted to know.

If you have any ideas on the Club 100, please let either Kaji or I know and we will try to work it out.

Very sincerely,