Capt K Kometani, 09/07/1944

September 7

Dear Col,

Enclosed please find a check of two hundredd seventy-seven dollars and eleven cents ($277.11).

This is but a small contribution that comes from the hearts of the 100th, (which you brought up into this battle.) The amount may be small but the thoughts of these boys are great. Inspite of all they are up against, there isn’t a day when they do not think of Hawaii, their home. You are in the tail end of the Community Chest and War Pond Drive, please drop this check into their chest, in behalf of the boys of the 100th, with our sincere aloha. May the campaign be a success. It is for the greatest cause of our community. We want a little part in it’s success. We know there is a place for these boys in Hawaii and that there is a welcome mat as we step off the boats.

Your letter arrived sometimes ago but conditions did not allow me to answer you immediately. We are happy to know that conditions are good in the islands, Many of our boys are returning and they have found that they are most welcomed. We hope there will be more coming. Our DSC has jumped to sixteen, and we expect a few more.

Kaji received your letter in regard to the piece of property. Baron Goto mentioned it some times ago. To-day,Cahplain Higuchi of the 442 dropped in to discuss the possibility of some arrangments for the boys to either join us or form a club similar to us. I told him of our club, the amount of money already deposited and some of the thoughts behind our formation of the club. The overall picture is that we all come from the same place with the same purpose. The men are all alike. We cannot ask the community to support too many clubs, please give me your ideas.

P.S. – The funds were collected through approval of Lt. Col. Gorden Singles.

Heard that I’m now regimental dentist and a 442. However I have been with the old outfit throughout and still. When they will draw me out, no one knows. But, we expect Robert Miyasaki to be commissioned DC very soon. Sooner or later, expects to leave the 100th. However, am sweating out my leave, which I hope is before Xmas.

My very good wishes to Mrs. Turner and please remind to Bert when you drop him a line. I do not know Mr. L. Deacon personally, but will you please extend our aloha for his interest in our welfare.
