Hawaiian Statehood and the Club 100

…n in conflict – the beginning of World War II. Japan shows her hand and becomes a partner in the tri-power compact: Germany, Italy, Japan. In 1940, Japan invades Manchuria. The United States has finally adopted a universal military training program. Draft begins. Hawaii’s youth do not escape. Among them are many boys of Japanese ancestry. Finishing their basic training, many of them are assigned to permanent units for the duration of their milita…

Hawaiian Provisional Battalion

…WOULD BE GIVEN COMMAND OF ANY OF THE RIFLE COMPANIES. On June 4, military communique reported the commencement of hostilities with the enemy for Midway Island. Fighting was reported still going on on June 5, 1942 when in the late afternoon, we entrained to Kapalama Basin from Schofield Barracks, via the O R & L train, from where we boarded the U.S. Army Transport Maui. As we were boarding we noted that the Mariposa was berthed at Pier 10-11 right…


…n a drunken spree, got locked up in jail, and as a result, was relieved of his position. It is expected that we go back to camp in the very near future but nothing is definite as yet. I don’t know whether I’ll be glad or not to get back to camp. Back in camp, we’re free to go see a show every night (almost) unless we’re out in bivouac but here, no. The only shows playing are in town and to go out we need passes, which only 25% of the men get every…