
…everything, make an argument if there isn’t any, and we’re probably the noisiest hut in the company. Once in a while its [sic] quiet, the boys are writting [sic] or reading letters etc, but that’s once in a while. Army life is strict, every night we clean our rifles, and for inspection on Saturday, we have our hair cut, hut floor scrubbed, mess kits and all equipment in order, and countless other things. One thing that really disagrees with me is…

Rudy Yoshioka, 01-25-1943

…here you find nothing but swamp marshland & majority of the population is com– posed of Negroes. The town of Hattiesburg is quite big from what I see when we passed thru there on our way down. At least 40,000 in population. But the recreation facilities & accommodations are far inferior to the ones in Sparta. On our way down we passed thru the out skirts [sic] of Illinois, St. Louis & Memphis, but was disappointed because it wasn’t what I expecte…

Shinyei Nakamine

…tinguished Service Cross, Purple Heart, and the Combat Infantry Badge.  He is buried at Punchbowl Cemetary. In a 2007 interview, Anita Korenaga spoke about her memories of her brother: http://archives.starbulletin.com/2007/11/12/news/story04.html Her handwritten notes about him were preserved with his profile in the Echoes of Silence project.: https://www.100thbattalion.org/wp-content/uploads/Nakamine-Shinyei.pdf…

Oral Histories and Interviews

…ory project interviewed over 1,200 veterans and can be accessed at: http://www.goforbroke.org. Interviews with 100th veterans reside in this website’s archive, especially articles for the Hawaii Herald newspaper that Ben Tamashiro, a 100th veteran, wrote about fellow comrades whom he had interviewed. As interview transcripts and/or resulting articles are made available, they will be added to this website. The following is a list of the 137 veteran…

Listing of KIA By Battle

…CD can be ordered by contacting the Japanese American Living Legacy http://www.jalivinglegacy.org/main.cfm?stg=home The JALL received permission from the University of Hawaii to use “Ambassadors in Arms: The Story of Hawaii’s 100th Infantry Battalion” by Dr. Thomas Murphy to insert the dates and names of the soldiers who were killed after the appropriate passages in the book. Dr. Murphy was a professor at the University and chairman of the Hawaii…

Excerpts from Sparky Matsunaga’s Testimony

…silently beneath mounds of earth. It is the memory of those men which has compelled me to come before you today to testify in their behalf that they might be given recognition for the supreme sacrifice which they made for us and our country. “The record of the 100th Infantry Battalion and the 442nd Combat Team has no doubt been placed before you. While fighting for the same ideals as all other Americans, every man of the 100th and 442nd was in ad…

Bernard Akamine

…rinting at night; their dark room was in a half-bombed out building that B Company was occupying. Since the Company was going to be moving out of the building, they developed all the film into negatives and planned to print them once they got back to Hawaii. However, Akamine wrote that he became more interested in movies instead and lost track of the dozens of canisters containing the 35mm negatives from Italy. These photos are copies of the ones…

Ambassadors Without Arms

…e I must say that most of us should leave this spot this morning with an uncomfortable feeling, and we should remain uncomfortable enough to put into action what our comrades who lie buried here would have us do. At times you will notice that I am reading from something. It will be from letters I wrote to my wife during the days of combat. I wanted to remember the important events and the way I felt overseas; to do this I wrote these letters. I re…

Traditional Japanese Values

…ne 2003 Hawaii Herald interview, Akita said: “The guys were older and more combat experienced than us replacements. They taught us a lot of things, practical things on how to stay alive in the front lines … Just by watching I learned a lot. They were like older brothers to us guys without experience.” In the late 1990s, a group of 100th sons and daughters in Hawaii began an oral history project. They found many of the veterans cited Japanese value…

Keijiro Umebayashi

…rovide additional information. Note: At the end of the Umebayashi history, there is a section of recollections by Kenneth Kaneko, one of his comrades in B Company. Read Keijiro Umebayashi’s Memoir…